Thank you for considering training with In 4 Training.
In 4 Training is a nationally recognised training organisation registered in Queensland through the ASQA.
In 4 Training offers a range of training services, scope be viewed on:
The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with a quick reference about training programs and processes at In 4 Training.
Training programs
Training Services provided to clients follow the policies and procedures developed to meet the National Training Framework and the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations (SNR).
In 4 Training run a range of programs that are both accredited and non-accredited. Accredited programs have been ratified by State and/or Commonwealth Government.
Accredited programs
Accredited programs are usually competency based which means that training and assessment or recognition of current skills and knowledge focuses on the development and recognition of a person’s ability to apply relevant knowledge and skills to perform workplace tasks to a specified standard.
The specific skills and knowledge required for a particular workplace application are set out in Units of Competency and these can be grouped together to make up a nationally recognised qualification. Nationally recognised qualifications are set out in Training Packages and these can be viewed at
Each qualification has a list of employability skills which describe the non-technical skills and competencies that are important for effective and successful participation in the workforce. For each qualification there are specific employability skills listed under the following headings:
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Problem solving
- Initiative and enterprise
- Planning and organizing
- Self-management
- Learning
- Technology
These employability skills will be part of the assessment requirements of a nationally accredited course. A summary of the employability skills to be developed through a qualification can be downloaded from or at
It is important to note that the rules and requirements of a Unit of Competency and a qualification are applied to any client regardless of where they are, or the mode of training delivery provided. You could be a full time client in a classroom or the workplace or you could be applying for recognition of the skills and knowledge currently held.
Each Unit of Competency is made up of the following:
- Elements
- Performance criteria
- Required knowledge and skills
- A range of variables
- Critical aspects of evidence
- Any pre or co requisites (if applicable)
To be deemed Competent in any Unit of Competency you must be able to provide evidence of the required skills and knowledge to complete work tasks in a range of situations and environments, including simulated applications in the classroom over a period of time.
Evidence is the material proof that you have performed the specified competency or task to the required standard over a period of time. Your evidence requirements will be determined by the Unit of Competency, employability skill requirements, industry expectations, Government regulations, and your qualifications and current experience. Evidence can take many forms and you will be required to present more than just one piece of evidence.
Examples of evidence could include one or more of the following:
- Specific assessments tasks set by your Assessor
- Observation reports
- Certificates and awards
- Examples of work completed or special projects
- Current licenses
- Position descriptions and performance reviews
- Third party reports
- Question responses
- Tests
Your evidence must also demonstrate the following:
- That you can do the job or task to the required standard
- Understand why the job should be done in a particular way
- Handle unexpected issues or problems
- Work with others ‘in a team’
- Do more than one thing at a time, e.g. perform the task and be aware of the occupational health and safety requirements
- Know the workplace rules and procedures
Assessment process
The assessment process will be explained at the orientation session and will be available upon request to your assessor.
Applying for Extension
All extensions must be applied. It is expected that all assessment tasks are handed in on the due date.
If there are difficult circumstances, please contact your assessor to complete a ‘Request for Extension’ form.
Enrolling in a Training program
To enrol in a training program at IN 4 Training, you can either enrol online at or contact the Administration Office on 07 4987 7188. They will email or mail out an application for an enrolment form and the information flyer about the course.
Client Selection
IN 4 Training is committed to ensuring that all client selection processes are fair, equitable and consistent with workplace performance, competency level and the Training Package requirements. Therefore selection into a training program is based upon the applicant:
- satisfying appropriate funding body entry criteria,
- meeting any pre-requisite qualifications or work experience, and
- meeting any age requirements that may be in place for a particular course
In 4 Training shall ensure that any applicants who do not meet entry requirements are advised of any appropriate pre entry training they may take to meet eligibility criteria.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
You have the opportunity to apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL). This means that you can submit evidence for a Unit(s) of Competency and have it assessed by a qualified Assessor without completing the training.
IN 4 Training believes that no learner should be required to undertake a competency or element of a competency in a qualification for which they are already able to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the performance outcomes stated in the endorsed training package or nationally recognised course.
IN 4 Training aims to maximize the recognition of learner’s prior skills and knowledge whilst at all times maintaining the integrity and standards of the defined learning outcomes of the specific qualification or course of study.
If you think you have the necessary knowledge and skills to match a Unit(s) of Competency or a qualification at the required standard you need to contact our Administration on 07 4987 7188 who will provide the information you need to complete an RPL.
Any documents that you provide to support your claim of competency must be the originals rather than copies. Your original documents will be photocopied and handed back to you. It is also expected that any evidence submitted is your own and if the work of others, formally acknowledged.
Regardless of the type of evidence that you submit, Assessors must be confident that the evidence meets the following criteria:
- Meets the requirements of the Unit of Competency(s),
- Meets any Regulatory requirements
- Is your own evidence and can be authenticated
- That you can perform the competency consistently and reliably
- Is at the standard expected in industry and set out in the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF)
- Is sufficient to make a judgment about the above
In 4 Training is committed to ensuring that all judgments made by Assessors against the same competency standards are consistent. Your Assessor will examine the evidence that you present and then make a judgment on that evidence which will be either:
- C which means that you have been deemed competent against that Unit of Competency(s)
- NYC which means you are not yet competent.
Your assessor will advise you what you can do if you receive a NYC for your assessment task. If you are deemed not competent in your initial assessment, you are allowed a second attempt. However, if you are deemed not competent in the second attempt, you will be required to re-enroll. Please talk to your assessor if you have any concerns.
Making the most of the training program
It is very important to make the most of your training opportunity. Please note it is your responsibility to do this. To optimize your own learning and successful completion, undertake to do the following:
- Attend the workshops and complete all required reading and learning activities
- Prepare well in advance of each workshop
- Be a willing participant
- Work with fellow clients
- Respect other people’s opinions
- Ensure you have a clear understanding of the assessment requirements
- Take responsibility for the quality of evidence that you submit to the Assessor
- Keep track of your progress
- Complete and submit all assessment tasks using clear and concise language
- Be willing to contact your trainer if you do not understand the training activity or assessment task
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones must be silenced or turned off during training, as a courtesy to the Trainer/Assessor and other clients. In an emergency where you need to be contacted, please advise you trainer/assess so that arrangements can be made.
Clients are expected to behave appropriately in a mature manner at all times. All clients are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and behavior during training and assessment. Misconduct will not be tolerated.
Misconduct includes –
- Any offensive conduct or unlawful activity (eg theft, fraud, violence, assault)
- Interfering with another person’s property
- Removing, damaging or mistreating IN 4 training property or equipment
- Cheating/plagiarism
- Interfering with another person’s ability to learn through disruptions during training
- Breach of confidentiality
- Inappropriate language
- Serious negligence, including WHS non compliance
- Discrimination, harassment, intimidation or victimization
- Being affected by drugs or alcohol and being unfit to participate in learning activities
- Offensive body odours
Respect for others
It is expected that the behaviour of all persons in the learning environment ensure a positive learning experience. Respect for other clients and the trainer/assessor is expected.
In 4 Training retains the right at all times to remove disruptive clients from the training environment.
- You will be expected to treat staff and fellow clients with respect and observe any client etiquette requirements
- Inappropriate language and actions will not be tolerated
- Harassment, bullying and intimidation of staff or fellow learners will not be tolerated
- Treat facilities and equipment with due care and respect.
- You are required to respect the rights of others and treat others in a manner which is fair and non-discriminatory.
Disciplinary Processes
In 4 Training may implement client discipline processes should a client be found to be acting inappropriately, due to misconduct or assessment malpractice. Any breaches of discipline will result in the person being given a “verbal warning’. Further disciplinary processes may include:
- The client being asked to justify why they should continue to participate in the learning group
- Suspension for the training room
- Expulsion from the training room; or
- Expulsion from the training course
Dress and Hygiene Requirements
Clients are to be well presented and appropriately dressed during all training. Dress requirements include:
- Neat, comfortable clothing in the classroom environment
- Appropriate work attire, including clean PPE for training in workplace or simulated environment
- Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.
- Since you will be working in close proximity with others, care with your personal hygiene is requested
Getting help
At IN 4 Training your Trainers and Assessors are your best support. If you are in need of some support please speak to them. IN 4 Training can also arrange the following:
- Free study room with computers and internet access for all clients commenced in training
- Additional time
Language, Literacy Numeracy
Discuss with us your concerns and options for further assistance.
Learning Materials
Clients receive a copy of training and/or assessment materials as part of the course fee. Should you lose or misplace the materials which you were provided, additional fees for replacement will be incurred.
Reasonable Adjustments
IN 4 Training will ensure to take actions to provide a student with a disability the same educational opportunities as everyone else. Adjustments will be appropriate for that person and will not create undue hardship for a registered training organisation and will ensure that that the reasonable adjustment is allowed within rules defined by the training package.
The reasonable adjustment will be discussed between the students IN 4 Training due to most situations the person with the disability will be able to tell organization, what adjustments he or she needs to be able to study. If necessary, IN 4 Training will also seek advice from government agencies or support organisations to determine what needs to be done to accommodate an individual’s needs.
Reasonable adjustment activities could involve:
- Modifying or providing equipment
- Changing assessment procedures
- Changing course delivery
- Modifying premises.
The determination of ‘reasonableness’ requires judgement that must take into account the impact on the organisation and the need to maintain the integrity of the unit of competency. Where the qualification outcome is specifically related to an ‘occupational’ outcome, any reasonable adjustment may only be accommodated in the assessment process if the workplace can be similarly ‘adjusted’ to accommodate the needs of the applicant/employee.
Training Pathways
There are many training opportunities available to you and if you would like to find out about these please speak to your Trainer or Assessor.
Certificates will be awarded within 21days of completion and signed off by the Trainer/assessor. Certificates will be posted to the client at their nominated postal address as shown on their enrolment form. Emailed copies can also be sent to the party whom organized and paid for the training (i.e. Employer.) However the originals will always be sent to the client/student.
If you have a complaint, grievance or wish to appeal any decision while completing your training program IN 4 Training has a documented process for you to access and follow. This will be explained to you in your orientation program when you enroll. If you would like to find out more please contact Administration at 07 4987 7188 to make an appointment.
IN 4 Training has a fair and equitable process for dealing with client complaints. All clients have the right to express a concern or problem they may be experiencing when undergoing training. The following is an outline of the complaints policy.
- Complaints are treated seriously and dealt with promptly, impartially, sensitively and confidentially.
- Complaints will be resolved on an individual case basis, as they arise
- All clients have the right to express a concern or problem and/or lodge a complaint if they are dissatisfied with the training and assessment services that they have been provided (including a third party) or the behavioral conduct of another learner.
- All complaints are acknowledged in writing and finalized as soon as practicable.
- The rights of the complainant and respondent will be acknowledged
Fees and charges
IN 4 Training aims to keep fees and charges to a minimum and have payment plans for clients. IN 4 Training guarantees training and assessment services, once enrolment is started. If any unforeseen circumstances arise please contact. All courses must be paid in full prior to certificates being issued unless prior arrangements had been made with IN 4 Training Financial Manager.
Cancellations and Refunds
IN 4 Training reserves the right to cancel or postpone any training program/course at any time for the following reasons:
- Where there are insufficient numbers to warrant a class
- Weather conditions have affected the training environment to the point where it is unsafe
- Unavailability of suitable trainer/assessor
- The training facility has become unavailable for any reason.
Any participant enrolled to complete a course which has been cancelled for any of the above reasons will be refunded full course costs including refunds of any course deposits. Alternatively the participant can re-enrol to complete the same course at a future date.
Course interruptions
In the case where a particular training course has been interrupted at any time after commencement due to:
- Bad weather
- Malfunctions or breakdowns
- Incidents of any kind that result in the temporary stoppage of training
- The training facility becoming unavailable for any reason
If it is deemed necessary by IN 4 Training that the course cannot be completed in the allotted time, arrangements will be made for the course participant/s to complete the training at a later suitable time. If no suitable time can be arranged then a partial refund will be arranged based on the time and duration of the interruption.
NOTE: Full refunds will not be granted. Statement of Attainments will not be issued until courses are completed in full and final assessments have been successfully completed.
Cancellation by Client
To cancel a course enrolment, participants must contact IN 4 Training in person, via email or in person.
Phone: 07 49877 188 email:
Refund of fees
Students who wish to withdraw from and cancel their enrolment in a course, course enrolment fees may be refunded under the following circumstances
- For short courses notice of cancellation must be given to IN 4 Training No Less than 3 business days prior to the course scheduled commencement
- For short courses where written notice of cancellation which is more than 3 business days prior to the course commencement may receive a 50% refund of what was paid (Exclusion is the fire arms courses)
- For Certificate II, Certificate III in Security operations including all firearms courses, notice of cancellations must be given to IN 4 Training no less than 5 business dates prior to the course commencement date. A 50% refund may be available if course material has already been provided.
- No fees or payments will be refunded where the participant withdraws or cancels their enrolment on the day of or after the course commencement date.
Note: In the event of the participant is prevented from completing the course due to personal injury, death or a death in the immediate family; the participant fails to reenrol in the next 6 months. No refunds will be given under these circumstances.
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Student Information Handbook
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